2 Giant Pandas Are Officially On Their Way to The San Diego Zoo

A pair of giant pandas are officially on their way to the world-famous San Diego Zoo after a farewell ceremony in China this month.
The ceremony, which was held in Sichuan Province, was attended by San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and officials from the San Diego Wildlife Alliance. It commemorated the close relationship between U.S. and Chinese conservation organizations, and the panda’s travel to their new home in America’s Finest City.
According to the San Diego Zoo, the pandas will live at the Zoo as part of a 10-year research and conservation agreement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association. However, when they arrive, they will not be viewable by the public for at least a couple of weeks as they acclimate to their new home.
The two pandas, 5-year-old male Yun Chuan and 4-year-old female Xin Bao, are the first giant pandas to travel to the U.S. in more than 21 years. They’re also the first pandas at the San Diego Zoo since 2019, when the last pair were recalled back to China.
“We are incredibly excited to welcome Yun Chuan and Xin Bao to the San Diego Zoo,” said Paul Baribault, President & CEO of the Wildlife alliance. “Our long-standing partnership with China Wildlife Conservation Association has been instrumental in advancing giant panda conservation, and we look forward to continuing our work together to ensure the survival and thriving of this iconic species.”
The giant pandas may be new to the San Diego Zoo, but at least one of them has roots in the city. Yun Chuan is the son of Zhen Zhen, who was born at the San Diego Zoo in 2007.
Media credit: Image courtesy of sandiegozoowildlifealliance.org