Ribbon Cutting for La Jolla Businesses that Opened During COVID

Sotheby’s Plaza on Prospect St. in La Jolla Village. IG photo by @pawatola
When: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 @ 4 p.m.
Where: Sotheby’s Plaza, 111 Prospect St., La Jolla, CA 92037
Snack Factor: Highly Likely
RSVP (required) at (858) 230-2725
Every day, La Jolla and the rest of San Diego experience signs of normality returning to our beautiful California county. The past eighteen months have been difficult for everyone, but small businesses were detrimentally affected by the shutdown and subsequent reopening procedures put in place by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite the understanding that the closures were for protecting themselves, their employees, and their customers, there is no doubt the pandemic restrictions were particularly cruel to small businesses worldwide.
Fortunately, though, the world is getting back on track, and that means that residents and patrons can now give small businesses in La Jolla the attention they deserve.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Governor Gavin Newsome has designated June 15, 2021 to be the day California returns to pre-pandemic guidelines.
The La Jolla Village Merchants Association knew this was the perfect time to recognize upwards of thirty businesses that opened in La Jolla since the pandemic started. As you already know, people love shopping in La Jolla.
The Ribbon Cutting, Grand Re-Opening Event will take place in The Village, starting at 4 p.m.
Banner photo by BommaritoArt.com
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