Pandas Officially Debut at San Diego Zoo Panda Ridge Exhibit

Expect panda-monium if you’re around the San Diego Zoo on Thursday, when the zoo’s Panda Ridge exhibit officially opens to the public.
The San Diego Zoo Panda Ridge exhibit officially opens to the public at noon on Thursday, Aug. 8. The new exhibit will give guests the first chance to view Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, who arrived from partners in China earlier this year.
Earlier today, California Gov. Gavin Newsom officially proclaimed Thursday as “California Panda Day,” adding in a proclamation that bears in general have “long held pride of place in California as a symbol of our state’s spirit and strength.”
This marks the first time that giant pandas have been available to view at the San Diego Zoo in years. In 2019, China officially recalled all of its pandas, but international cooperation has led to pandas being loaned out to U.S. zoos.
Of course, if you’re planning on heading to the San Diego Zoo — or even the Balboa Park area in general — you should expect heavy traffic and heavy crowds as thousands flock to see the Panda Ridge exhibit, KPBS reported.
According to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, Yun Chuan is a five-year-old panda who is mild-mannered, gentle, and loving. Xin Bao is a four-year-old female that is described as a “gentle and witty introvert.”
The pandas have a tie back to the San Diego Zoo, too. Yun Chuan is the son of Zhen Zhen, who was born as the San Diego Zoo in 2007.
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