See the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus

La Jolla Symphony
Since its roots beginning in the 1950s, the La Jolla Symphony has a proud history of premiering new music and promoting the arts. Almost half of the performances are new premiers and fresh, up and coming compositions. Come to a performance to hear a unique symphony concert that awakens new parts of your mind, or attend a show that pays homage to your favorite classics. There’s such variety, you’ll be covered either way.
The Concerts Themselves
From intricate violin pieces to cello concertos written for Yo-Yo Ma, we want to make sure you’re in the know about wide variety of music experiences you can have right here in La Jolla. Most concerts, whether they’re the jaw-dropping Symphony’s 60th Anniversary concert or classic works of Beethoven, are held on the weekends. Grab dinner in town before a Saturday evening concert or enjoy a mimosa-filled brunch before a Sunday matinee. The variety in times lets you cater the experience to your taste.
Pre-Concert Lectures
Before each performance, it’s truly valuable to go in with insider information and background on the performers and musical pieces. As you probably well agree, knowing the history of a piece or why a concert is conducted a certain way gives an understanding that then enhances the entire experience.
It doesn’t cost extra or even take more than half-an-hour. Simply come early to hear an upbeat, 25 minute lecture on the concert you’ll be watching. Trust us…it’s worth the time!
Tickets: What to Know
To guarantee your entrance, the earlier the purchase the better. It’s easy to buy tickets by either stopping by the ticket office or easily purchasing online.
It’s good to note there are special rates for groups and students, too. For example, if you have a group of 10 or more folks, book ahead to ensure a quarter of the price off and specially reserved tickets.
To really take a group night to the next level, whether it’s group of friends, family or business counterparts, for an extra fee, they’re happy to host receptions before and after the concert.
Want to Experience More Art?
If you love attending concerts and want to dive into even more art experiences in La Jolla, there are many ways to do so. Learn the about ultimate arts events and venues at our Arts & Culture Page.
**Photography: Courtesy LJS&C**