Where to Find a Bredesen Protocol Doctor in San Diego

Neurocognitive diseases can be devastating for both individuals and families, but an innovative approach called the Bredesen Protocol could help people in San Diego treat and potentially reverse them.
The Bredesen Protocol is an innovative method for treating and potentially reversing cognitive decline associated with neurocognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease or traumatic brain injuries. Developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen, the protocol is now carried out by healthcare practitioners across the country — including in San Diego.
Here’s what you should know about the protocol, as well as where to find a Bredesen Protocol doctor in San Diego.

The Bredesen Protocol is also known as ReCODE, or “Reversing Cognitive Decline.” It’s an innovative approach that focuses on addressing the root causes of cognitive decline, rather than just attempting to treat the symptoms.
“The idea behind it is that Dr. Bredesen has identified multiple hundreds of triggers that can send someone down a neurodegenerative pathway,” said Dr. Laura Kostrzewski, a Bredesen Protocol doctor and owner of Avena Natural Health in Solana Beach.
Essentially, the ReCODE or Bredesen Protocol involves analyzing what specific triggers might be causing a person’s neurocognitive decline — whether it’s hormonal, environmental, or another type of trigger. This is done through lab testing.
From there, a Bredesen Protocol doctor will create a personalized intervention and specifically tailor it to mitigating those triggers. Interventions could include anything from an optimized plant-based diet to stress reduction and brain stimulation.
Although outcomes can vary, some studies have shown promise in improving cognitive function in some individuals. As always, it’s important to talk to a healthcare practitioner about your specific needs.

Although with ReCODE, the Bredesen Protocol also includes PreCODE. It’s a similar program, but is more focused on “Preventing Cognitive Decline.” It uses similar interventions, but is meant to prevent symptoms of cognitive decline instead of reversing them.
According to Dr. Kostrzewski, the PreCODE program may be a good fit for someone who has concerns that they’re on a pathway to cognitive decline. This could be because of environmental or even hereditary issues that might cause a disease like Alzheimer’s.
“It’s a good starting point for anyone that isn’t actually symptomatic,” Dr. Kostrzewski explained. “ReCODE is aimed at people who are having issues and want to reverse them. PreCODE is really for people who have concerns that they might start showing symptoms.”
Although many of the interventions might be similar to ReCODE, the PreCODE program could help patients detect emerging symptoms of diseases like Alzheimer’s earlier — and potentially prevent them from manifesting more strongly.
Of course, if someone would like to pursue the PreCODE program but is showing symptoms, then a Bredesen Protocol doctor could help them create a personalized ReCODE plan to help reverse those symptoms.
Apollo Health Doctor

If you’ve done research on the Bredesen Protocol and keep seeing the name “Apollo Health” pop up, there’s a good reason for that. Apollo Health is the company that maintains the network of doctors who are certified and trained in the Bredesen Protocol, including the ReCODE and PreCODE programs.
Apollo Health maintains a list of Bredesen Protocol doctors in San Diego and beyond, including Dr. Kostrzewski.
Along with maintaining the list and providing medical expertise through its network, Apollo Health is also a medical information company that uses high-tech software to help treat cognitive decline or other neurocognitive disorders.
For example, you can use Apollo Health’s platforms to take online cognitive assessments that could point you to either the ReCODE or PreCODE program.
Once you actually decide that you want to pursue a program, the Apollo Health network can help you find a certified Bredesen Protocol doctor wherever you live.
Finding a Bredesen Protocol Doctor in San Diego

If you’d like to treat or prevent neurocognitive decline using this revolutionary method, your best next step would be to book a consultation with a Bredesen Protocol doctor in San Diego. Dr. Kostrzewski, for example, offers 15-minute discovery calls that can help you decide whether ReCODE or PreCODE programs are right for you.
Dr. Kostrzewski does point out that pursuing either programs generally involve major lifestyle changes, which could include adopting a different diet, pursuing more regular exercise, and taking specific supplements known to help treat cognitive decline. It takes a lot of effort and resources, but you’ll get out what you put into the program.
However, while ReCODE or PreCODE may not be good fits for everyone, they can help improve the quality of life for many. Dr. Kostrzewski said to think of the program as an investment in your health that could pay dividends.
“Being healthy may be expensive, but being sick costs you a lot more,” Dr. Kostrzewski said.
Media credit: avenanaturalhealth.com