Here’s How California Could Use AI to Improve Traffic

In the future, California may use AI to improve traffic flow across its many roadways. Here’s how it could do it.
The California state government is currently accepting proposals from tech companies on ideas to use artificial intelligence to improve traffic conditions across the state, according to NBC San Diego.
In theory, AI systems could be used by state agencies like Caltrans to better time traffic lights so that traffic flows smoother. Additionally, AI can also be used to analyze specific travel corridors or intersections with consistent instances of bad driving, difficult traffic patterns, or poor lightning.
Google, for example, is currently working on an initiative dubbed Project Green Light, which uses Google Maps and AI to improve traffic flow through stoplight timing. By creating “waves” of green lights, cities could improve traffic.
The tech giant is currently testing the technology in 12 cities around the world.
Along with improved traffic, similar systems could also help the environment since they reduce stop-and-go emissions. About half of the emissions at intersections come from vehicles accelerating after they stop.
Caltrans is currently accepting proposals now through Jan. 25 on ideas to use AI to improve traffic. It might mean good news for those that want to avoid road rage in San Diego traffic — or traffic across the state, for that matter.
Back in September, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to explore the benefits of using generative AI. The California state government isn’t the only organization looking into artificial intelligence systems. UC San Diego also recently built an “AI mission control” center.
It may take years for an AI system to actually be used on California roadways, so in the meantime, it might be a good idea to cut out your commute entirely and brush up on the best U.S. cities for remote workers!
Media credit: Image licensed from Adobe