San Diego Hotels and Other Businesses Are Feeling Optimistic

According to the California Department of Public Health, updated Orange Tier restrictions allow indoor events and private venues to open up again (CDPH).
These updates presented to the public on April 14, 2021, breathed new life into the San Diego hotel, business, and tourism scene, allowing private events to get held indoors.
Now, businesses can have 150 indoor guests and 300 outdoor guests. The only stipulations reported by NBC 7 San Diego is all guests test negative for COVID-19 or are fully vaccinated.
While businesses and hotels understand the difficulty in determining the status of every guest, it is a step in the right direction.
“This past week, I was able to really see an increase of clients in our store,” said Mario Alberto Valenzuela, owner of Mario’s Boutique in Chula Vista.
Hotels echo Alberto Valenzuela’s sentiments hotels in noting how different business is with implementing the new Orange Tier updates.
Like The Ocean Beach Hotel, businesses and hotels are happy to report that hotel occupancy has skyrocketed with the availability of vaccines.
The San Diego Tourism Authority reports that hotels in some areas of San Diego county are reaching between 82 and 92 percent occupancy on weekends.
This uptick in tourism is extremely beneficial to both hotels and businesses. The more tourism soars, the more people will be patronizing businesses, which helps life, financially and physically, back to normal.
However, officials want people to know that masks remain a requirement in public places, and social distancing is highly encouraged, even with the reduced restrictions.
For more information about tier updates and to find out what is opened in San Diego County, visit California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
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