6 Simple Romantic Gestures Every Woman Will Love

If you’re a fan of romantic comedies, then you already know that the cornerstone of a successful couple is the romantic gesture. While this might seem like a hard one, in reality, most women are happy being loved and don’t need you to do anything super-elaborate to show them you care.
Now, while it is true that kissing in the rain will probably result with you having the sniffles, and walking into a restaurant without a reservation will probably end in you both being hungry (all gestures that are wildly appealing in the movies), there are quite a few simple yet effective gestures that every woman is sure to love.
1. Chocolate and Flowers…Just Because
Living in California gives you plenty of chances to be romantic, but you don’t always want to go elaborate with it. Instead, try grabbing some decadent chocolate San Diego locals love from one of the many great shops. Buy some of her favorite flowers, a bottle of wine, and just surprise her with them. Your reasons for doing this? Just because you love her and wanted to show her that she is appreciated. Now, that is a romantic gesture a woman can love.
2. Surprise Her with a Weekend Away
While it may cost a little more than the chocolate and flowers, there’s nothing like sweeping a woman away on a surprise weekend to one of her favorite places to make her feel special. Whether it’s to the beach or a remote mountain cabin, the time alone together will make her see you in a whole new light.
3. Do a Chore She Hates to Do
Recent studies have shown that men who help out around the house tend to be happier. On top of that, taking on a chore such as vacuuming or washing the dishes that you know she hates is a small romantic gesture that will not only make her happy but take a little bit of the weight off her shoulders as well. It may not be the most romantic of gifts, but the time she saves will be invaluable.
4. Morning Coffee in Bed
Who doesn’t enjoy being pampered? Waking up in the morning can be extremely difficult. You can make that easier, by waking up a few minutes before she does, sneaking into the kitchen and returning with a cup of fragrant coffee in hand. If you want to go even further with this romantic gesture, fix a little breakfast, put it on a tray, and present it with a single flower from your garden. That is the sweetest gesture and will help her greet the rest of the day with a smile.
5. Say I Love You
One of the most romantic gestures to any woman is hearing I love you for no reason at all. Instead of assuming she knows that you love her, try telling her. A simple “I love you” and a kiss on the forehead when you’re on the way out the door to work in the mornings will keep her heart singing all day long.
6. Listen to What She Says…Really Listen
It’s super easy to be distracted by the trials and tribulations of your own day, and then forget to ask her how her day went. The most romantic gesture you can make is to sit and really listen to her when she talks.
These are just a few of the most romantic gestures you can make that don’t cost a fortune or aren’t elaborate. From saying “I love you” to picking up chocolate, these romantic gestures are simple, effective, and say I love you.