La Jolla July News Roundup 2024 -

La Jolla July News Roundup 2024

July 2024 – Howdy everybody! Hopefully, you had a rockin’ Fourth of July, and we further hope this latest edition of the La Jolla July news roundup finds you all doing swell and enjoying this summer to the max. We thought we’d kick off this month’s recap with a quote from the famed philosopher and writer Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said, “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air’s salubrity!” That’s kind of the feel this month has exuded in the newsroom, and you’ll see what we mean as we expound upon various happenings we reported for the month of July. Let’s roll this beautiful roundup footage!

Before We Reflect, Let’s Inspect: Future Events to Scope Out

We’ve got some interesting topics to brush up on for the month of July, but before we do, we wanted to refresh your memory about some upcoming events that will unfold in the next month or two that we think you’ll want to check out. Without further delay, here are a few events and happenings in the Isles that are worth a lookie-loo.

Giant News at the SD Zoo

If you weren’t already aware, the long-awaited arrival of a pair of giant pandas from China has finally become a reality at the San Diego Zoo. To ensure the duo get acclimated and cozy in their new SoCal home, the pandas have not been officially introduced to the public. That’s about to change. With much anticipation and a well-deserved drumroll, the zoo is rolling out the red carpet for Yun Chuan and Xin Bao for zoo-goers to oooh & ahhhh over. When will they be presented to the public, and how can you see them? Click here to find out when the SD Zoo’s giant pandas get their going-out party (hint, it’s next month, and you don’t want to miss it!).

LJ Raises a Glass to World-Class Art

The wine will flow, and mind-blowing art will be shown at the 16th annual La Jolla Art & Wine Festival. This year will not disappoint, with more artists (around 160) and more opportunities to sample new wines, craft beers, and more—all while ogling some of the best masterpieces you’ve ever seen. Find out exactly when and what’s happening this year at the La Jolla Art & Wine Festival here.

New Play Takes LJ Playhouse by Storm

A new play called Derecho, a new comedy-drama penned by playwright Noelle Viñas, is going to take the La Jolla Playhouse by storm. To elaborate, the word “derecho” is Spanish for a wicked-strong windstorm or thunderstorm with the capacity to flatten everything in its path and wake. Playhouse goers won’t have to worry about high winds literally, but the new play is expected to achieve a windfall of approval from the public during its run this summer. So, what’s Derecho all about, and when is it showing at the La Jolla Playhouse? Find out here.

Applause and Anniversaries on the Eats Beat

Food, glorious food! No La Jolla July news roundup would be complete if we neglected to talk about La Jolla’s foodie scene. True to form, LJ has served up some tasty culinary news, and here are some lip-smacking highlights we covered for the month of July.

Beloved Tavern Belly’s Up to Golden (50th) Anniversary

The legendary local music venue, the Belly Up Tavern, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and it has bodacious plans to celebrate it. Since 1974, owners Dave Hodges and Greg Gilholm have been serving up libations and live music to the community, and their golden anniversary indicates Belly Up shows no sign of slowing their roll. Celebrations kicked off earlier this month – but there’s still time to toast Belly’s anniversary. Learn more about Belly Up Tavern’s anniversary and how you can join the party here.

Michelin Taps (yet another) SD Eatery for Greatness

In the latest edition of the Michelin Guide to California, the editors selected Ambrogio by Acquerello — formerly known as Semola — as a “recommended” restaurant, which means that it’s a culinary gem worth checking out. Ambrogio’s new standing with Michelin brings the tally up to 13 San Diego restaurants that share the same prestigious recognition in the illustrious Guide. Learn more about Ambrogio’s ambitious rise to fame (and why you should make a reservation) here.

Crackin’ Good Chicken Lands in Pacific Beach

The Crack Shack, a renowned local restaurant known for delicious chicken sandwiches and other fine delicacies, is opening a new outpost near La Jolla in Pacific Beach. The Crack Shack has had locals clucking over its plucky menu at four other locations and anticipates the same success at its new spot opening next month in PB. Get more of the finger-licking-good details about the Crack Shack’s new location in PB here.

Celebrating a Decade of Asanas, Shopping, and Vegan Dishes

Ten years ago, husband and wife team Leila and Joe Caldera launched Trilogy Sanctuary — a local yoga studio, vegan café, and gift shop in La Jolla. Today, it’s become a wellness hot spot in downtown LJ, and they’re opening up their doors to everybody to celebrate their 10th anniversary with a three-day festival. Wanna know when the festivities begin and what’s in store for Trilogy Sanctuary’s big milestone? Click here.

News From the Dunes

One of the primary goals of the La Jolla July news roundup is to get you on the same page of community events and happenings in the ‘hood. To that end, here are a few news briefs we covered in July we thought were worthy of rehashing.

Bragging Rights for Barking Good Dog Park

San Diego is known for being a dog-friendly city, and there’s no shortage of amazing dog parks, beaches, and off-leash areas for owners of furry friends. However, USA Today just declared one San Diego dog park as the “Best Dog Park” in the USA. Find out which dog park won the prestigious honor of best dog park in the US here.

Sharks! Birch Aquarium’s Fin-Friendly Theme This Summer

Sharks will take the spotlight at Birch Aquarium La Jolla this summer as the organization celebrates the vital role sharks play in the ecosystem while shining a light on the important conservation work and research being done to protect them. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Shark Summer runs through July 31st, so you still have time to take a bite out of the fun! Learn more about the sensational Shark-centric events and activities lined up this summer at Birch Aquarium here.

SDFD to the Rescue: Teen Saved from Sand Hole

First responders were able to rescue a San Diego girl trapped in the sand after she fell into an 8-10 ft hole in Mission Beach earlier this month. A group of children witnessed the teen fall in and were desperately trying to get the 16-year-old girl who fell into the sand hole out. Learn more about the heroic SDFD rescue and outcomes here.

Seal and Sea Lion Saga Continues

They are the unofficial mascots of La Jolla Cove, but due to overcrowding, a new movement to remove the native seals and sea lions is gaining ground among residents of the area. Bob Evans, president of La Jolla Parks and Beaches, proposes removing the mammals because there simply isn’t enough room for them. Learn more about the debate and potential solutions for seals and sea lions at La Jolla Cove here.

Bonus Brief: San Diego Welcomes First “Agrihood” to the County

Fox Point Farms is a new project, known as an “agrihood” in Encinitas, that seeks to combine agriculture, community, and delicious farm-to-table cuisine. Agrihoods are essentially planned communities built around agriculture. Get more about agrihoods, and what Fox Point Farms is planning for this revolutionary community-based project here.

Goodbye July, and Aloha August!

Well, that’s a wrap, as we always say here at the LJ newsroom. We hope you’ve enjoyed these highlights for the La Jolla July news roundup and that they’ve inspired you to catch some exciting events before they slip away with the rest of the summer. As always, thanks for reading, and we’d be ever so delighted if you shared our newsletters with your friends and family and asked them to subscribe here. We’ll be back next month to give you more newsy tidbits – until then, be well, stay cool, and rock on, La Jollans!

Imagine credit: The header image of this La Jolla July news roundup is copyright of