A Checklist for the Perfect Beach Day

Want an easy breezy day at the beach? Use this checklist, and you’ll have everything you need for a perfect beach day.
1. Directions & Parking Info
Nowadays, we all have GPS. However, a lot of beaches have a single address that may not take you to the right area or a spot with parking. Do a little recon ahead of time to find the right spot to park; that way you don’t drive up to the GPS address and feel any “where do we park?” panic.
(For example, if you’re headed to La Jolla, California, simply select the desired beach from our beaches directory. The parking details will be in there.)
2. A Picnic
If you have your dream beach spot, the weather is gorgeous and the view is dreamy…the last thing you want to do is have to get up for food. Pack a cooler with sandwiches and a basket of your favorite snacks beforehand, so you’re good to go.
3. A Good Book
In the day-to-day, most of us are far too busy to pick up a book. Take time to finally start that novel you’ve had bookmarked on GoodReads for forever.
4. Sunscreen
The sun feels lovely and glorious, until your skin starts overheating. Prevent the unpleasant and unhealthy effects of too much sun with a strong SPF.
5. A beach umbrella
When SPF isn’t enough and you need a break from the sunshine, you’ll be thankful you brought your beach umbrella. Instant shade. Instant relief.
Learn more about fantastic beachside activities in La Jolla, California at our blogs: La Jolla kayaking, La Jolla snorkeling and general Ocean page.