San Diego Ranks on List of Top 10 'Impossibly Unaffordable' Cities -

San Diego Ranks on List of Top 10 ‘Impossibly Unaffordable’ Cities

Do you consider San Diego “impossibly unaffordable”? After crunching the numbers, one group of researchers does.

A team of researchers at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy in Canada Chapman University analyzed major cities across the world to determine how affordable they were. The team based their report on a price-to-income ratio, comparing the median house price to the median income level of 94 cities in various countries.

What they found was that the most expensive city in the world to live in was Hong Kong, followed closely by Sydney, Australia and Vancouver, Canada. However, cities in California — including San Diego — made up five out of the top 10.

San Jose, California, ranked as the most unaffordable place to live in the U.S., and number four in the top 10. It was followed by Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Melbourne, Australia. San Diego came in at number 10 on the “impossibly unaffordable” city rankings.

That shouldn’t come as a surprise to those living in America’s Finest City. Reportedly, one needs to make at least $122,803 pre-tax to live comfortably in San Diego. By some measures, San Diego is the most expensive metropolitan area in the U.S.

Here is the top 10 list of “impossibly unaffordable” cities, with San Diego in tenth place.

  • 1. Hong Kong, China
  • 2. Sydney, New South Wales (Australia)
  • 3. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada)
  • 4. San Jose, California (U.S.)
  • 5. Los Angeles, California (U.S.)
  • 6. Honolulu, Hawaii (U.S.)
  • 7. Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
  • 8. San Francisco, California (U.S.)
  • 9. Adelaide, South Australia (Australia)
  • 10. San Diego, California (U.S.)

Between the incredible weather, the incredible tacos, and the incredible beaches in San Diego, it’s no wonder that so many people want to move to San Diego.

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