Here’s Your Chance to Weigh in on San Diego Tourism

Local leaders are currently thinking about the coming decade of San Diego tourism — and they’re asking local residents to help write the next chapter.
San Diego, of course, is an amazing destinations for people across the globe. Between its miles of beautiful beaches, its blossoming culinary scene, and year-round perfect weather, it’s easy to see why.
However, local San Diego tourism leaders are still curious about how exactly the next 10 years of the local tourism industry should go. To that end, they’re enlisting the support of San Diegans — including everyone from downtown residents to those living in Encinitas.
The San Diego Tourism Authority has created a 20-question survey to ask residents about what they love to do around town. It includes questions about their favorite San Diego attractions, as well as whether they prefer hitting area beaches or living it up in the Gaslamp Quarter.
Additionally, the survey also has a few questions about San Diego quality of life, including whether access to parks and beaches, safety, housing options, and local employment opportunities contribute to or detract from your quality of life.
Lest you expect only questions about local attractions, the survey also includes several questions on heavier topics such as homelessness, community diversity, and the overall quality of San Diego’s streets and infrastructure.
According to local San Diego tourism leaders, the survey results will help guide efforts to revitalize the local tourism industry. The last time the Authority put together a plan, after all, was about 10 years ago.
The cutoff date for the survey is Thursday, Feb. 29. If you’re a San Diego resident and would like to complete it, it takes less than 15 minutes to complete.
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