It’s Going to Be Hot! Expect Triple Digit Temperatures this June

Stay hydrated, San Diego!
Get ready for a heatwave, San Diego! Well–in the mountains, at least.
The National Weather Station in San Diego predicts that temperatures could creep into the high nineties next week, possibly rising above 100 in the mountains.
The prediction reported by Fox 5 San Diego includes a high of 102 degrees on Tuesday and a scorching high of 103 degrees on Wednesday, June 15th and 16th.
That’s a far cry from our usual June weather.
(Meanwhile, the weather app on our phones says it’s going to be in the 70s next week, in the more coastal areas of San Diego.)
Safety Warnings
These blistering temperatures will increase the risk of heat-related issues.
Therefore, when it gets hot outside, residents across San Diego County should stay inside air-conditioned homes or areas, when possible, and drink plenty of fluids. Maybe this is just the time to visit your favorite restaurant or go to an air-conditioned art gallery or museum.
If you have elderly neighbors or family members, make sure they know to drink plenty of water and stay in a cool environment.
It is always important to never leave children or animals inside a car, even for a few minutes. In heat like this, especially, the temperature inside cars can rise to fatal levels within a few minutes.
How to Know If You Have Heatstroke
The NWS San Diego also shared information about heatstroke. If you feel or notice someone with the following symptoms, call 9-1-1 right away.
- Throbbing headache/Confusion
- Not sweating despite the heat
- Red/Hot/Dry Skin
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Rapid/ Strong Pulse
- May lose consciousness
If you or someone around you is experiencing these dangerous warning signs, after calling 9-1-1, move the person to a cooler place and use cool cloths or a bath to cool them down. Do NOT give them anything to drink.
Additionally, if you are thinking of escaping to the mountains for cooler temperatures, the NWS predicts unusually hot temperatures in elevated areas. Therefore, it is better to stay home in the air conditioning.
For more information or to keep up to date with the latest weather warnings, visit
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