How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card in Utah

If you’re looking to get medical marijuana in Utah, you’re in luck. Medical marijuana is legal throughout the state — if you have the proper medical marijuana card.
Although recreational cannabis use is still illegal in Utah, residents with a valid medical marijuana card can possess and consume cannabis. Essentially, you’ll need a valid medical reason to obtain a marijuana card in Utah.
Utah laws on marijuana can be confusing since recreational usage is still prohibited, so it’s a good idea to brush up on laws about usage, driving high laws in Utah, etc. However, those with a valid medical card will be able to purchase cannabis from a licensed dispensary.
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Marijuana Medical Laws in Utah
If you’re wondering how to get a medical marijuana card in Utah, we’ve got all the information that you’ll need. That includes everything from state law regarding cannabis usage and possession to the qualifying conditions for a medical card in Utah.
Here’s what you should know about getting a medical marijuana card in Utah.
Utah Marijuana Medical Card Requirements
You can apply for a medical marijuana card in Utah through the state’s Department of Health. There’s no current age limit, but a parent or guardian’s permission is required for those under 18.
There are a few requirements for qualifying for a medical marijuana card, including being a resident of Utah and meeting with a qualified medical provider who can confirm that you have a condition that would benefit from cannabis therapy or treatment.
If you’re not a resident but you hold an out-of-state medical card in Utah, you can apply for a temporary medical marijuana permit for use within the state.
Qualifying Conditions for a Marijuana Medical Card In Utah
Cannabis treatment and therapy are great for a variety of conditions. Some of the qualifying conditions include cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, epilepsy or debilitating seizures, Crohn’s disease, Cachexia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you have persistent nausea that’s not responding to normal treatment, you may also qualify. The same goes for pain that lasts longer than two weeks that isn’t adequately manageable.
These are just the main cases, however. If you’re asking, “can you get a medical card for anxiety in Utah,” the answer is maybe. You can petition for compassionate use in Utah, which a board approves on a case-by-case basis.
How Much Is a Medical Card In Utah
How much is a medical card in Utah? Technically, they’re not free. Even once you figure out how to get a medical marijuana card in Utah, you’ll need to pay the necessary fees to obtain it.
Luckily, medical marijuana cards are generally pretty cheap. A patient card in the state of Utah costs just $15 as an initial fee. You’ll need to renew it every six months after that, which also costs an additional $15.
Guardian or caregiver cards are more expensive at $68.25. These cards allow someone other than the patient to purchase cannabis from a dispensary in Utah. They cost around $25 to renew every six months.
Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you know how to get a medical marijuana card in Utah, you may have questions about obtaining or holding it. Below, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Utah marijuana card.
Whether or not you can get fired for having a medical marijuana card in the state of Utah depends largely on your employer.
For example, there are some limited protections for local and state government employees. Essentially, medical marijuana usage is treated the same as prescription medication or opined. That means employees can’t be fired for having a medical card, but they can be disciplined if they come to work high or perform poorly because of cannabis.
Employees working for a private company have no such protections. They can fire or discipline a person for using medical marijuana. That doesn’t mean they will, but they’re allowed to have such a policy under state law.
Similarly, renters can also be evicted for medical marijuana use if their apartments prohibit cannabis.
Undoubtedly one of the most frequently asked questions on this issue has to be this: “Is it easy to get a medical card in Utah?” There’s no simple or easy answer here.
If you meet the Utah medical card requirements, you’ll likely be able to get a card and purchase cannabis. Even if you don’t, you can still petition the compassionate use board and hope they approve your case.
Those who don’t meet the qualifications likely won’t be able to get a medical marijuana card. Cannabis use is also strictly illegal in Utah for those without one.
As we covered earlier, it really depends on your individual circumstances. Officially, anxiety is not a qualifying condition for a medical marijuana card, but there could be exceptions.
For example, if your anxiety stems from post-traumatic stress disorder, you can likely qualify for a medical marijuana card. The same goes for anxiety stemming from another of the qualifying conditions covered earlier.
If you don’t have a qualifying condition, you may still be able to get a marijuana card for anxiety. You’ll need to petition the compassionate use board, which will review your case and decide.
You’ll find medical professionals who can prescribe medical cannabis just about anywhere you’d find a normal doctor or nurse. To prescribe medical marijuana, doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and others can register as Qualified Medical Providers.
Once you get a medical card, you can find medical cannabis at various licensed dispensaries throughout the state. Some dispensaries specialize solely in cannabis products, while others are also great places to find CBD in Utah.
Generally, you can only smoke medical marijuana in a private residence or on private property. Unless it’s a medical emergency, it’s strictly prohibited to smoke cannabis in public.
Of course, specific apartments or landowners can prohibit medical marijuana on their properties, even though they’re private property.
Once you have a medical marijuana card, you can purchase and possess cannabis. There’s a specific limit on it, however. You can only have up to 3.95 ounces every thirty days. You’ll also need to carry your cannabis card on you when transporting it.
It’s still illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana in Utah. And, as we mentioned earlier, you still can’t smoke medical cannabis anywhere that’s considered public property. And you can learn more about CBD laws in Utah here.
Medical Marijuana Is Available In Utah – So Take Advantage of It
If you have a medical condition that qualifies for a medical marijuana card, you should speak with a qualified medical practitioner. They will be able to tell you whether cannabis treatment or therapy will be right for you. After you have a valid, state-issued medical marijuana card, you are free to shop for many dispensary deals and discounts in Utah.